90 Seconds of Profound Truth

Treasures from the Word

Start each day in God's Word with Love Worth Finding.

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A Blueprint for The Family

You need a divine builder and blueprint - Christ and His Word....


God Created the Home

The home was established by the Creator for the protection and for the development of man’s deepest needs....


Cast Your Burdens on God

It just may be that God has given you a burden because He can’t get your attention....


Be A Gentle Leader

Gentleness is a mark of leadership....


You Do Not Act Humble

When God asks us to be humble, He does not mean that He wants us to fake humility or pretend to be something we're not. We need to be natural, not hypocritical. ...



Depend on God Through Prayer

God can do everything without us. The beauty of prayer is that He wants us to ask. He wants us to talk. He wants us to depend on Him. ...


Giving Your Burdens to God

If you can trust Jesus to save you from hell, then you trust Him to carry your burdens....


God Rebukes His Children

If you’re a child of God and you are in sin, God will rebuke and convict you....


Where Do You Fail?

An unguarded strength is a double weakness....


Use Not Vain Repetitions

It’s not the language of prayer, nor the length of prayer, but the heart of prayer that moves God. ...

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