90 Seconds of Profound Truth

Treasures from the Word

Start each day in God's Word with Love Worth Finding.

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You Cannot Save Yourself

Stop trying to work for your salvation. Jesus did all of the work over 2,000 years ago. ...


Trust God With Your Money

If you can’t trust God with your finances, how is God going to trust you with true spiritual riches?...



Financially Right With God

The kind of repentance that does not reach the bank account has never reached the heart....


Be Available to God

One of the greatest secrets I ever learned was that God didn’t want me to do anything for Him....


Everybody Has a Ministry

When the Holy Spirit entered your life, He did not come in empty-handed....


You Are Not Your Child's Holy Spirit

When a child disobeys his parents, do you know what that child has done? He has sinned against God....


The Power to Operate

What good is the gift if you can’t plug it in? You need the power of the Holy Spirit in order to use your spiritual gifts. ...


You Belong to Me and I Belong To You

Get in the body of Christ and go to work. It’s hard to steer a ship that’s not moving....


Do You Believe in Miracles?

If you believe in God and believe the words of the Bible, then you should believe in miracles. ...


You Are Spiritually Gifted

God has given you a spiritual gift and He wants you to use it for His glory!...

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