How Can I Start A Revival Around Me?

“Will You not revive us again, that Your people may rejoice in You?"

Psalm 85:6

Ask God to Light the Fire of Revival

Revival has little to do with time or place and everything to do with repentance and grace.

If you are a Christian, You are God’s holy temple. When you press in, drawing close to your Savior, you are moved to personal repentance, you are in tune with the Holy Spirit, and you are empowered to do the work of the Spirit—to bring in the bride of Christ

Are you willing to seek God for revival?

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“Revival begins not in the state house or the White House, but in the church house and in your house and my house.”

Adrian Rogers

*Resources will not be available until the date listed.

Featured Bible Study

Rivers of Revival

Genuine revival is a deep work of God that causes repentance and unleashes God’s power in our lives. It is more likely to begin in a prayer closet than in a tent; it is as an internal work that is so transformational it becomes external. For the follower of Jesus, revival starts with you, right here and right now. This eight-week study shows you how to be a vessel that brings rivers of revival to those around you. Revival starts with you and spreads to your home, your neighborhood, your church, your city, and your nation!

“There is always joy when there is revival.”

Adrian Rogers

Resources for Digging Deeper