Seeing Jesus in Unexpected Places
Exodus 25-28
Take a tour of the Old Testament tabernacle with Adrian Rogers. Each chapter of this eye-opening book is extracted from an individual message in Pastor Rogers’ series on the tabernacle.
Pastor Rogers takes you through the tabernacle, room-by-room and artifact-by-artifact, examining the spiritual significance of the extraordinary portable worship center the Israelites carried through the desert after their exodus from Egypt.
Rather than relying on extra-biblical commentary, Pastor Rogers uses Scripture to shine light on Scripture. You’ll see how every detail of the tabernacle, and the worship that took place there, pointed to the Lord Jesus Christ who “tabernacled among us.” And you’ll better understand the beautiful mystery of God’s dwelling place in and with His people—the Church.
This audio series has been uploaded from the archives of Pastor Rogers' messages. Enjoy this older set of message files, preached and recorded in 1976.
Messages Included:
**We upload Pastor Rogers' archived messages exclusively on our app every week. Download the My LWF app from your app store to listen to our "Out of the Vault" messages.