March 26, 2025
Adrian Rogers
Scripture Passage: Genesis 12:1
Faith is the distinguishing mark of the Christian. The way to live the Christian life is by faith. In fact, before followers of Jesus were ever called “Christians,” they were called “Believers.” It is our chief duty to exercise our belief in Jesus.
But it is not enough to simply believe. Faith is believing the word of God and acting on it.
We are reminded of this through the faith of Abraham. Abraham received a word from God and acted upon it. He left his home and followed God to a new land.
So when our faith seems to be broken, how do we repair it? It begins with Repentance.
Adrian Rogers said, “You cannot live in your old way of life and think at the same time you can live by faith.”
Is there something you are still holding onto from your life before Jesus? Something you idolize? Anything you love more, serve more, fear more, trust more than God is an idol. Repent. Crush the idols in your life. Turn your hearts back to God.
After repentance comes remembrance, remembering…
The God of the big things is the God of the small details, too.
Finally, there is restoration. Once Abraham repented, God did not remember Abraham’s sin. God remembered his faith. When we live in faith, God will not remember our iniquities.
Following the restoration of our faith comes the opportunity to be a blessing to others. We cannot abhor the blessings in our lives, we are meant to pour them out. Adrian Rogers said, “God wants you to be a river of revival, not a reservoir of blessings.”
We should pray to be used as a blessing in other people’s lives. That’s the reward of faith.
Faith isn’t just believing. It is acting on your belief. So, if you want to be blessed in your faith, pray today for an opportunity to be a blessing in someone else’s life. It’s then you are praying for an opportunity to act on your belief, and faith will flow through you as it was meant to.