Let the Rain Fall

1 Kings 18:39-45

Adrian Rogers

Sermon Overview

Scripture Passage: 1 Kings 18:39-45

Revival is when God shows Himself to be present in the midst of His people. Revival is often visualized as fire falling down, but after the cleansing fire comes the cooling flood.

In 1 Kings, the prophet Elijah prayed earnestly for drought in the land in judgment of sin. After God cast His judgment on the land through a three-year drought, Elijah prayed again, this time for rain.

1 Kings 18:39-41 says, “Then Elijah said to Ahab, “‘Go up, eat and drink; for there is the sound of abundance of rain.’”

The position of Elijah’s prayer was integrity and sincerity.

The person behind the prayer was a man of integrity; his heart was clean and pure. Sometimes, sin in our lives can prevent us from getting answers to our prayers. We must each strive to be people of integrity.

Elijah also prayed with a sincere heart. He did not pray to be seen by others; he got alone with God to pray. (Se 1 Kings 18:41.) We must be careful not to put our prayer life on display; it is not a show for all to see. Sincerity comes when we get alone with God.

We also see the posture of Elijah’s prayer.

Though he was bold as a lion, Elijah did not strut in the presence of God. He humbly bowed before the Lord. Elijah’s passionate prayer also revealed his fervency. He didn’t settle for little platitudes; he recognized the labor of true, fervent prayer. It takes work; in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus prayed until He sweated blood.

Note the persistence of Elijah’s prayer.

Elijah’s persistence revealed a character of consistency. In 1 Kings 18:43, Elijah sends his servant to the mountaintop to look for rain: “And seven times he said, ‘Go again.’”

Sometimes the Lord, in His wisdom, waits; we must keep praying as we wait. As we are waiting and praying, these characteristics will begin to take root, and God will give us the victory.

Adrian Rogers said, “If we pray like Elijah, who prayed down fire from Heaven, then we can pray down the floods.”

But we will not have the flood until after the fire—until we judge our sin.

Apply it to your life

Adrian Rogers said, “Have faith in God when your prayers aren’t answered. Your earnest plea He will never forget. Wait on the Lord. Trust His Word and be patient. Have faith in God.”