April 11, 2025
Adrian Rogers
Scripture Passage: Ruth 4
The story of Ruth begins with a funeral and ends with a wedding; it begins with weeping but ends with joy. Ruth and Boaz’s story is a beautiful picture of Jesus Christ’s redeeming love for the Church. Ruth 4 shares a picture of our salvation in Jesus Christ, our kinsman Redeemer.
Ruth 4:4 explains the law in the land: Following her first husband’s death, Ruth’s estate had been sold and she was left in a dire circumstance. As a near relative of her deceased husband, Boaz assumed Ruth as his wife and bought back the estate that was sold, becoming what’s called a “kinsman redeemer.”
Jesus Christ became our near kinsman when He stepped out of eternity and into our world to assume responsibility over us. Legally worthy, He bought back what was lost when sin entered the world. A man of wealth, Boaz was able to sufficiently buy back the estate. Jesus paid an even greater price for us than Boaz paid for Ruth: His own life.
Adrian Rogers says, “He does not love us because we’re valuable; we’re valuable because He loves us.”
Ruth was a woman from a pagan land, hopelessly stuck in a terrible circumstance; she is a picture of us all, plagued by sin, sorrow, and death.
Boaz’s willingness to redeem her changed everything; even more so, Jesus took on our sin and shame and changed everything for us.
Ruth received a new family, great fortune, and fame in the land of Bethlehem. She was fruitful, noted as the grandmother of King David, becoming part of the ancestry of Jesus Christ.
Without Jesus, we are strangers to the covenants of promise, without hope. But because Jesus has redeemed us, we have a new family, fortune, and fame.
With the Holy Spirit, we are fruitful and have a bright future ahead, leaving a legacy of faith and redeeming love.
Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, our kinsman Redeemer? As you read through Ruth 4, remember the love of Jesus Christ, perfectly illustrated in the story of Ruth and Boaz.