August 30, 2020
Adrian Rogers
Scripture Passage: 1 Timothy 6:20
Christians believe in special creation, the fact that God created man in His own image, as evident in the Book of Genesis.
However, there is another school of thought that contradicts this belief: the theory of Evolution. It is the theory that we are simply creatures of accident; that men have evolved from a speck of protoplasm and green algae—first as a worm, then as a fish, an amphibian, a reptile, a bird, a mammal, and then finally we evolved into man.
The equation of evolution goes as followed: Nothing + Time + Chance = Everything. It’s a fairytale for adults, a philosophy that poses as scientific fact.
There’s something wicked behind this whole idea of evolution. Aldous Huxley, acclaimed evolutionist, states his own bias against creationism: “I had motives for not wanting the world to have a meaning…” This translates to: “I chose evolution to shut the mouths of those who believe in special creation.”
But you are not an accident. You are a special creation, made in the image of God. And you are precious to Him. May we become the people we were created to be.
Evolution is not a fact. It is a manmade philosophy to justify rebellion against the Creator of the Universe. Reject this ideology today, and chose instead to thank God that you have been beautifully and wonderfully made in His image.