March 16, 2025
Adrian Rogers
Scripture Passage: Romans 4:16
Adrian Rogers says, “Faith is the medium of exchange in the kingdom of Heaven.”
Faith alone enables us to live this Christian life. It is our faith—not our fame, feelings, or finances—that is the measure of God’s blessing to us.
Romans 4 reminds us that in spite of Abraham’s sins, God remembers him for his faith, not his failures. By his example, we can learn how to be strong in the faith.
Faith comes from hearing from Him and taking Him at His word. Faith is received as a gift of God according to grace (see Romans 4:16); but we must abide in Him and allow the Spirit of God to make the Word alive in our hearts.
We cannot trust someone we don’t know. Abraham knew God: who gives life out of death and can make something out of nothing. A strong faith comes from an adequate understanding of the character and nature of Jesus Christ.
We must put our hope in what God says is possible. Abraham was faced with a choice between two impossibilities: having a child despite being barren, or believing God could break His promises. He knew that God cannot break His Word and God cannot fail, and that was reason enough to hope.
Abraham learned to cooperate with God, and he experienced the miracle of having a child in his old age.
“He did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith giving glory to God, and being fully convinced that what He had promised He was also able to perform” (Romans 4: 20-21).
To believe is to obey. When we obey what God has commanded, faith and works—or the natural and the supernatural—perform together to achieve more than we ever thought possible.
Adrian Rogers says, “Praise is faith turned inside out.”
Abraham obeyed God, knowing that He would work through him; his story reflects the glory of God.
Strong faith begins by hearing from God: getting a promise and truly knowing and trusting the character of God. Spend some time alone with God to hear from Him.