March 22, 2020
Adrian Rogers
Scripture Passage: Revelation 19:1-10
In Revelation 19, the great tribulation has come to a dramatic close and the church—the Bride of Christ—comes to the most climatic time in all of its history: her Wedding. There are several reasons to anticipate this glorious Marriage of the Lamb.
‘Hallelujah’ means, ‘Praise the Lord!’ Revelation 19 begins with four stanzas of praise for God from his servants.
At redemption, we receive the inner nature of Christ. At the rapture, our sinful flesh will be left behind. And at the judgment seat of God, we will receive, according to the deeds that we have done.
Those who were redeemed before Jesus came to earth (Old Testament saints), or after the rapture will be in attendance.
As beautiful as the Bride will be, the wedding is really about the Groom. Adrian Rogers says, “If you read the Book of Revelation and you don’t come to know and love and see Jesus more, you’ve missed it all. It is the revelation of Jesus Christ. It is the unveiling of Jesus Christ. And the spirit of prophecy is Jesus.” Though we have not seen Him, we, the Bride, love Him. And it may not be long until we meet Him.
As the old hymn goes, “Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight and the clouds roll back as a scroll. The trump shall resound and the Lord shall descend, even so, it is well with my soul.”
The wedding is not far off. At any moment, Jesus may come. Are you betrothed to Him? If you are saved, remain faithful to Jesus Christ until the wedding.