Triumph of the Lamb

Revelation 1:7-18

Adrian Rogers

Sermon Overview

Scripture Passage: Revelation 1:7-18

At any moment Jesus may return, as Revelation 1:7 says, “Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him. And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him...”

When Jesus came to this Earth the first time, He came with His glory veiled; but when He returns, His glory will be unveiled, and we will truly see Him.

Revelation 1 gives insight regarding the triumph of the Lamb.

He is the resurrected Christ with undiminished humanity.

Jesus is fully God and fully man; He has not laid His humanity aside.

He is the reigning Christ with unrivaled majesty.

In Revelation 1, Jesus appeared to the Apostle John wearing the robes of royalty.

Adrian Rogers says, “You have a date with deity; if you don’t meet Him as Savior, you’ll meet Him as Judge.”

He is the righteous Christ with unblemished purity.

Revelation 1:14 describes His purity and holiness: “His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow…”

He is the revealing Christ with unhindered scrutiny.

Jesus sees us and sees through us; He cannot be deceived, for: “His eyes like a flame of fire…” (v. 14)

He is the relentless Christ with untarnished integrity.

“His feet were like fine brass, as if refined in a furnace…” (v. 15)

Brass is an emblem of judgment, and the feet speak of His going forth; when Jesus returns, He is not coming to redeem, but to judge.

He is the regal Christ with unchallenged authority.

Revelation 1:15 continues to speak of the power of His voice: “...and His voice as the sound of many waters…”

He is the regulating Christ with unequaled majesty.

Jesus continues to be the One who holds everything in His right hand.

He is the revenging Christ with unspoiled victory.

At the coming Battle of Armageddon, Jesus’ words will be like a two-edged sword.

He is the resplendent Christ with undimmed glory.

The radiance of our Lord will light all of Heaven for all eternity.

He is the reassuring Christ with undeniable deity.

Jesus, who became the death of Death, is the One we worship. The Jesus we see in Revelation commands our full submission, our reverence, and our great assurance.

Apply it to your life

As you study Revelation 1 today, give Jesus your full submission and your reverence; receive His great assurance.