Adrian Rogers once said that there are two critical points in sharing your faith with others: getting started and asking for a decision. Many people get started but fall short of asking for a decision. Click here to look at some different conversation starters for a spiritual conversation with someone. Continue reading to learn about how you can present the Gospel in a way that brings someone to the point of making a decision.
Witnessing is simply about sharing your personal encounter with Jesus with other people. The great thing about what God has done in your life is that no one can dispute it! Your story is what you have "seen and heard." Trust God and just tell others what has happened to you. Click here to read more about how to use your testimony.
This presentation is called the Roman Road because it uses verses in the Book of Romans to walk someone through the steps of salvation. Step 1 is recognizing that we are all sinners. (See Romans 3:23.) Step 2 is realizing that our sins have a consequence: death. (See Romans 6:23.) Step 3 is accepting that Jesus Christ died for those sins so the price is paid in full. (See Romans 5:8.) Step 4 is confessing Jesus as Lord and believing He rose from the grave. (See Romans 10:9.)
As you read through Romans, you may find even more verses to use in this Gospel presentation. But you want to make sure that you include the core steps in your conversation.
John 3:16 is one verse that tells us everything we need to know about the Gospel. It explains to us that God loved, God gave, we believe, and then we live in Him. Click here to explore the truths about John 3:16 and how these truths can introduce someone to Jesus Christ.
The 3 Circles is a simple way to have Gospel conversations with others. This illustration walks through how God has organized the world to function, what has gone wrong since sin entered the world, and how we can respond to God. Click here to be taken through an interactive presentation of the 3 Circles, or learn more through the MyLWF app.
The Four Spiritual Laws are a collection of laws that govern our relationships with God. Click here to learn more about each of the laws and how to use them to share the Gospel.