How Can I Be A True Friend?

“A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.”

Proverbs 17:17

True Friends Share Jesus

Wherever you live, there are those in your community, Pastor Adrian Rogers said, who “…are perishing for want of love and friendship.” They need you, and they need to know Jesus, the “friend of sinners.” (See Luke 7:34.)

Love Worth Finding is exploring what it means to be a true friend, the ways in which friends can encourage one another, and how to be a friend to “neighbors,” just like the traveler in Jesus’ parable of The Good Samaritan.

Pastor Rogers said a good friend is someone who shares, someone who sharpens, and someone who sticks. Real friendships, he said, are built intentionally as we let people know we acknowledge, accept, and appreciate them. Our words and actions affirm people and assure them of God’s love.

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“One of the greatest and deepest needs of human hearts is for friendship. We have a longing for someone who knows us and loves us and accepts us, somebody with whom we can share, somebody who understands our deepest needs, our hurts, our fears, our wants, our victories. We need friends, and to say that you don’t need a friend would be to deny your humanity.”

Adrian Rogers

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Preaching and Teaching Resources

For each of the video messages related to this truth, we have combined the sermon overview, outline, and transcript into one PDF document. This document can be used for research and learning as you teach others about God. Simply click on a title to download the preaching and teaching resource.

Featured Bible Study


God doesn’t want us to be satisfied with just surviving each day, barely making it through the difficulties we face. He made a way for us to live through and above and beyond the struggles—to live supernaturally.

As we look at the Book of Acts, we are going to think together about living supernaturally; not superficially.

The stories of the Early Church help us understand how to live the supernatural life God intends for us. As we read about the lives of the apostles after Christ’s ascension into Heaven, we see that God is at work in a supernatural way. God’s work continues today through His body, the Church, and He wants us to join Him in His work and live supernaturally.

Each study follows Pastor Rogers’ guide to studying the Bible: Pray Over It. Ponder It. Put It in Writing. Practice It. Proclaim It.

“Put a welcome sign on your face. Learn to smile. Learn to laugh.”

Adrian Rogers

Resources for Digging Deeper

As a college student, David Peel had lots of questions about spiritual matters. A friend showed up at a pivotal time in David's dorm room and helped David pray to receive Christ as his Savior. After graduation, he attended Pastor Rogers' church and began to grow in his spiritual life. David's life changed from a confused college student to a growing Christian through the boldness of his friend and the biblical teaching of Pastor Rogers. Watch the video and read the story to learn how David and his friend were reunited many years later!