Come with us and Experience Christmas through an eight-episode audio series featuring imagined conversations with some of those involved at the very first Christmas.  Listen to a frightened Shepherd, a " distracted Innkeeper," and Mary, the mother of Jesus  

Listen to each one by clicking on the images below, or download the MyLWF app to listen to all of them on the go! 

Listen to all 8 episodes now!

Episode 1  - Zacharias & Elizabeth

Episode 2 - The Night Before Bethlehem

Episode 3 - A Shepherd's Story

Episode 4 - The Distracted Innkeeper

Episode  5 - Anna the Prophetess

Episode 6 -  Herod the  Narcissist

Episode 7 - Joseph the Carpenter

Episode 8 - John the Forerunner

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Experience Christmas with us!

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