August 2

Three Things that You Cannot Learn in School

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: John 16:8 There are some things that no pastor or Bible teacher can teach you; they can only be imparted by the Holy Spirit. By our own nature, we can be stunningly ignorant. There are three things you ca...


July 26

The Crucifixion of King Self

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Philippians 2:1-11 We are our own biggest enemies. “Self” is, and always will be our greatest obstacle and worst ruler of our hearts. Our problems in life are not our weaknesses; rather, they are the stre...


July 19

The Coming Kingdom of Christ

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Genesis 10-11 There is coming a kingdom of Christ, as well as a kingdom of Satan. These two kingdoms have been at war since the Book of Genesis, and we are in the middle of it. If we want to recognize Sat...


July 12

How to Pray in the Spirit

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Romans 8:26-27 As Christians, prayer is our greatest privilege, yet our greatest failure. Knowing this, God has given us a Helper: the Holy Spirit. Because we are up against the world, the flesh and the d...


July 5

How to Pray for America

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Daniel 9 America is at a crossroads of morality and spirituality and we cannot afford to take it lightly. Our nation has been taken captive by the world, the flesh, and the devil. In times of crisis, we r...


June 28

The Generation to Come and the America of Tomorrow

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Psalm 78:1-6 America did not just happen; America was a gift from God. However, it seems as though the virtues and values upon which this nation was built have been trampled. What legacy are we going to l...


June 21

Five Ways to Be a Successful Husband

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: 1 Peter 3:7-9 This passage gives five ways to be a successful husband in a successful marriage. The first is practicing intimacy with your wife: “...dwell with them…” A husband and wife should be one fles...


June 14

God's Presence in the Hour of Death

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Genesis 50:22-26 The fear of death keeps people in bondage. Yet, a child of God can smile at death. That’s what Joseph did; in Genesis 50, we see Joseph practicing God’s presence in his hour of death. If ...


June 7

The Gospel According to Joseph

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Genesis 45 When Joseph was young, his brothers sold him as a slave to the Egyptian guard. However, God was with Joseph. Through divine providence, Joseph became the prime minister of Egypt. Joseph was on ...


May 31

Joseph: A Portrait of Jesus

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Genesis 37 The Bible is all about the Lord Jesus Christ. Through His Word, God gives us many prophetic portraits of His Son, one being Joseph in the Book of Genesis. There are four episodes in the life of...

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