January 5

Why Do I Exist?

Sermon Overview Scripture Reference: Psalm 139 God has a wonderful purpose for your life. No matter what else you may do, if you don’t fulfill the purpose for which you exist, you will fail, and never find fulfillment in your heart or your...


December 29

Crossing God's Deadline

Sermon Overview Scripture Reference: Proverbs 29:1 Proverbs 29:1 says, “He that being often reproved and hardeneth his neck shall suddenly be destroyed and that without remedy.” Can a man spiritually pass the point of no return? Can he be ...


November 24

What to Do When You Don’t Feel Thankful

Sermon Overview Scripture Reference: Ephesians 5:20 In Ephesians 5:20, the Apostle Paul says, “Give thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” This command may be the hardest command in all ...


November 17

The Grace of Giving

Sermon Overview Scripture Reference: 2 Corinthians 8-9 Adrian Rogers says, “All giving is wrapped up in grace.” In 2 Corinthians chapter 8, Paul recalls how God poured out grace upon the church of Macedonia—a church struggling under the wei...


November 10

When God Says No

Sermon Overview Scripture Reference: James 4:1-4 Prayer is the Christian’s greatest privilege, and it is often our greatest failure. There’s no substitute for prayer. That is why it is crucial that we know how to pray. In James 4, we are ...


November 3

The Decisions of the Living and the Destiny of the Dead

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Revelation 14 Adrian Rogers tells us, “It is decision that determines destiny.” It was true when it was first stated and it is still relevant today. In this message, we learn how this truth will remain re...


October 27

666: The Mark of the Beast

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Revelation 13:11-18 Satan’s burning ambition has always been to be like God. And so, if there is a Holy Trinity: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, then there is also an unholy trinit...


October 20

Biography of the Beast

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Revelation 13 A prophecy hidden in plain sight in the Book of Daniel alludes to the full scope of the Beast’s reign found in the Book of Revelation. In Daniel, we are given examples of four great empires...


October 13

Why I Love Israel

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Revelation 12 A Bible-believing Christian cannot deny or ignore the significance of the nation Israel. Throughout the Word of God – as well as is evident in the news headlines – we see Israel at the cente...


October 6

When Prophets Are Persecuted

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Revelation 11 In Revelation 11, we see the stage being set in the middle of the Great Tribulation for the antichrist to move into the holy temple of God in Israel, claiming that he himself is God. He is t...

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