September 29

Jesus Christ: The One and Only

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Revelation 10 Since the beginning, and even until the End Times, all the world will have to answer: “Who is Jesus Christ?” We believe He’s more than a man. He’s more than a prophet. He’s more than a philo...


September 22

Looking for God in this Desperate World

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Revelation 9:13-21 Do you ever feel like God doesn’t hear your prayers? If He does, why hasn’t He done something already? Looking around today, it is tempting to ask, “Where is God? Doesn’t He care?” But ...


September 15

When Demons Have Dominion

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Revelation 8-9:12 As studied in the Book of Revelation, the first six seals of the Great Tribulation will have more than their fair share of false peace, war, earthquakes, famine, and disease. But perhap...


September 8

What a Mighty God We Serve

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Revelation 7 We may be the “rapture generation”—those who will be retrieved by Jesus Himself before the Great Tribulation is unleashed on earth. Looking at the state of the world today, it is not so far-f...


September 1

The Wrath of the Lamb and the Coming Tribulation

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Revelation 6 Normally, we don’t think of a Lamb having wrath. However, in Matthew 24:21, Jesus warned us, “For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of this world to this ti...


August 25

The Freedom of Forgiveness

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Ephesians 4:31-32 “To err is human; to forgive is divine.” It is our human nature to make mistakes, but we have to fight hard against our human nature to forgive others. Yet forgiveness is the sole reme...


August 18

The Problem of Pain

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Romans 8:18-39 Very few things are more discouraging than pain. Whether it be physical or emotional, the problem is real and the pain is real. The rebellious spirit that stirs when you suffer, the doubt t...


August 11

The Resurrection Body

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: 1 Corinthians 15 Science states it is impossible to raise the dead to life. It is a scientific fact that what is dead cannot be alive again. Fortunately, Easter morning was not too affected by science. J...


August 4

The Power in the Blood

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: John 6:53-57 What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. That’s the way the old hymn goes. It is a powerful truth simply stated: Only the precious blood of Jesus can wash you white as snow....


July 28

How to Discover Your Spiritual Gift

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Romans 12:6 A spiritual gift is not a natural talent; it is a supernatural ability from God. We must discover our spiritual gifts and be good stewards of what God has given us to use for His glory. Romans ...

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