August 25

A Unified Church

Sermon Overview Scripture Reference: Ephesians 4 A biblically unified church is a wonderful thing. Because this unity comes from the Spirit, we do not produce it; we merely preserve it. Ephesians 4 tells us that we, as Christians, are to b...


August 18

The Gospel of Grace

Sermon Overview Scripture Reference: Galatians 1:6-12 Man has three great enemies: sin, sorrow, and death. There is no answer to these problems apart from Jesus Christ. In Galatians 1:6, Paul questions why the Galatian church has deserted ...


August 11

Jesus and His Bible

Sermon Overview Scripture Reference: Matthew 5:17-18 In His day, the Bible Jesus knew was the Old Testament. Jesus’ unwavering devotion to it reminds us why we put our faith in the Word of God, cover to cover. In Matthew 5:17-18, Jesus says...


August 4

The Book that Changed the World

Sermon Overview Scripture Reference: Romans 1:17 There has been no book that has ever influenced or impacted the world like the book of Romans. Some of the fathers of our faith and greatest minds have called it the Constitution of Christian...


July 28

The Generation to Come

Sermon Overview Scripture Reference: Psalm 78 America did not just happen; America was a gift from God. However, it seems as though the virtues and values upon which this nation was built have been trampled. What legacy are we going to leav...


July 21

The Key to Unbroken Victory

Sermon Overview Scripture Reference: Joshua 7:1 God has planned a life of victory for each one of us, yet many Christians live in defeat. They have saved souls and lost lives. Defeat is possible, but not necessary. Joshua 7 reminds us of ...


July 14

Calling America Back to God

Sermon Overview Scripture Reference: Nehemiah 1:1-3 The America of today is not the America that we once knew. This nation has been taken captive by the world, the flesh, and the devil. God has blessed America; but we have created greed o...


July 7

The Only Hope for America

Sermon Overview Scripture Reference: Proverbs 14:34 Proverbs 14:34 says, “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” If we want to know what is wrong with our great nation, we should first look in the mirror. By a...


June 30

Our Great Savior

Sermon Overview Scripture Reference: Matthew 12:42 In the Old Testament, King Solomon was the apex of all greatness, wealth, and wonder. In Matthew 12, Jesus was criticized and judged by the Pharisees. In response, He said, “The queen of t...


June 23

The Conquering Christ

Sermon Overview Scripture Reference: Ephesians 1:15-23 God created man and woman to have dominion and rule over this Earth. Once we understand this, we can claim what was lost by Adam and restored by Jesus, the conquering Christ, the Secon...

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