Below is a list of broadcast messages that include a combination of outlines and notes, overviews, and media transcripts. The most recent include both the media outline and transcript. Some only have the outline available. The content is published based on our broadcasting schedule. If you are looking for a total collection of our archival sermon transcripts, navigate to the Adrian Rogers Legacy Collection to download transcripts by book of the Bible.
The Gospel is meant to be told simply, so that anyone can understand it. In this message, Adrian Rogers uses the story of Paul and Silas in Acts 16 to share the simple meaning, man, and method of salvation.
READ MOREThe Book of Acts tells the story of a man called Barnabas, which translates to, “son of encouragement”. In this message, Adrian Rogers gives five characteristics that make Barnabas the church member of any pastor’s dreams.
READ MOREAnyone who does something in the name of the Lord will face spiritual warfare. This is why a steadfast church is bound to be attacked by the enemy. In this message from Nehemiah 4, Adrian Rogers shows us the devil’s methods and teaches us how to stand against the enemy’s attacks.
READ MOREHow can we be sure that Jesus is the Son of God? In this message, Adrian Rogers presents three indisputable witnesses revealed at the Gentile Pentecost in Acts 10.
READ MORESaul’s mission was to destroy the church. Paul’s mission was to build the church. In this message, Adrian Rogers tells the transformational story of Paul the Apostle in Acts 9 and shares the markings of a man made new.
READ MOREIs the devil for or against religion? He is very much for religion, but only if it opposes the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In this message, Adrian Rogers presents the vital warnings against the devil’s religion, so that we may be free from its bondage and bitterness.
READ MOREWe, as Christians, have been sent on a mission to share the Gospel anywhere and everywhere God calls us to go. In this message, Adrian Rogers conveys what it means to say in our hearts, “Wherever He leads, I’ll go.”
READ MOREIn Acts 6, the early church was experiencing some growing pains. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares how they dealt with their difficulties so that we can learn how to turn our problems into possibilities.
READ MOREBeing a Christian is a joyous thing. The reason we are not filled with joy in this Christian life could be a matter of disobedience. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals the reason, requirement, and reward of our obedience.
READ MOREIf you are a Christian, evangelism is supposed to be a lifestyle. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares the conversion stories of three men found in the Book of Acts to reveal why it is so important to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
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